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Progressive Politics Strategy and Agenda

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  • Progressive Politics Strategy and Agenda

    This is a brief strategy document presenting overarching progressive strategy for Indian politics, social, and economic sphere.
    It also includes an agenda that can be included by any political party at state or national level.

    1.0 Overarching Strategy


    The key reason why India hasn't quite developed into a world power is because India doesn't really have a ruling class (except in western Maharashtra). Successful empires throughout history share some common traits - being liberal, non-discriminating, even-handed just to name few. India must rebuild its polity / ruling class and transform its government, society, and business world to achieve inclusive progress and become worthy of its true potential. India at the same time must work with other world powers to establish mutual trust, security, cooperation in order to achieve greater good for humanity.

    There are two major challenges in this.
    1. Rise of Hindutva: India's very existence is being threatened today by rise of Hindutva aka Exclusionary Hindu Nationalism. As expected, Hindutva is a hodgepodge of corrupt and criminal elements that are dismantling the fabric of India's society and democracy both. Hindutva is supported by influential NRI's, India's black money, and quite likely by anti-India geopolitical forces. Any opposition political party in India today must deal with all these challenges in order to be successful in the electoral, political, and administrative realms.
    2. Colonial Ruling Class: India's ruling class is colonial in its composition as well as attitude. It is primarily built of British favored castes viz. Brahmins, Banias, Parsis, and a few Kayastha and feudal allies. This class has generally resisted progressive reforms. It operates with little impunity and accountability but a ton of entitlements. Today this class is almost entirely aligned with Hindutva creating formidable challenge to opposition. Even more worrisome is the fact that its corrupt nature poses a huge national security concern because corruption can easily lead to them being compromised.
    Key Progressive Strategies
    1. Security - Secure Indian State from untoward foreign influence as well as deal with internal threats to India's democracy.
    2. Representation - Achieve fair representation for all people at all levels of government, society, and business world.
    3. Balance of Power - Reform Indian Government to achieve balance of power at all levels of government. Today it is extremely lopsided to center.
    4. Rural India - Invest in rural India to build economy where people are. There is no need to make India's cities crowded. Let the villages flourish.
    5. Health and Education - Invest in education and health for all. Make both, a fundamental right of citizens.
    These strategies are intentionally broad enough because they aim to achieve generational change and will require generational work.

    2.0 Progressive Manifesto​​

    Following agenda items support strategies above. They could be excellent short term agenda items. They are realistic to achieve and promise.
    Strategy Manifesto Agenda

    1. Enact laws to control social media's harmful effects.
      • Prevent spread of false information by requiring them to have real identities.
      • Freedom of speech should not apply to fake profiles.
      • Institute oversight over operations.
      • Secure Indian user data within Indian/State borders.
    2. Enact laws to control organizations that organize people - especially children.
      • All such organizations must maintain a charter, a registry of its members, and their attendance to activities on a government provided website.
      • All organizations must annually renew parental permissions for underage children to attend such organizations.

    1. Enact laws that require all businesses to do further equality.
      • All employers with more than 100 employees should provide fair representation (not reservation) for all major communities in the the state. (e.g. as seen by religion, state of origin, or major caste)
      • No major community should be represented less than half of its proportion in the location.
      • All employers should avoid hiring too many relatives from same family in the same firm unless they are the owners of the firm.
      • Create a statewise institute in partnership with eminent universities to enforce this law.
    2. Enact laws that require all government bodies to promote local and small businesses
      • Procure at least 50% of all government supplies from local vendors and small businesses. Ensure fair representation for all communities.
      • Establish chambers of commerce at each taluka level to help people become entrepreneurs.

    Balance of Power
    1. No IAS / IPS / IRS / IFS officers for state and local bodies
      • Design and implement a state policy to only appoint state employees to all state and local bodies.
      • If an IAS or central officer wants to join state government service, s/he must resign central government service.
    2. Perpetual State Governorship
      • Achieve right for states to appoint their own governors.
      • Maharashtra to permanently nominate the Kolhapur and Satara heirs to carry the duty of being governors of Maharashtra for alternate five years each.
      • The governor will serve at the pleasure of the legislature. The legislature should be able to remove a governor and nominate other heirs on the grounds of behavior not consistent with values of the state.
    3. Forts and other heritage of Maharashtra
      • Achieve custody of Maharashtra's heritage including forts.
      • Establish a State Heritage Trust that will be run by people (not bureaucrats)
      • State heritage trust shall raise money from people and businesses to maintain these forts.
      • The trust may study and operate in a fashion similar to such similar trust in England. .

    Rural Development
    1. Maharashtra will build its economy at village level with the goal to improve rural incomes and employment
      • Build chambers of commerce at each Taluka level that will teach people how to do business and facilitate business.
      • Every five years build 50 world class libraries like ones in America all over Maharashtra in rural areas.
      • The chamber of commerce and libraries should be run autonomously as public trusts. They should also be funded through CSR.
    Health and Education
    1. Cut government size by 30% and invest the money in education and healthcare for all citizens of the state.
    2. Build government health insurance and offer free to all.
    3. Allow cities and villages to collect 0.5% additional tax on properties in order to fund free education for its residents.
    Last edited by Parag; 10-08-2024, 07:12 PM.